“Product in advance for growth.
Lactate magic, наполнители: cellulose and carboxylate лоза натрия, glazing agent: магниевые соли жирных кислот, пирид oxine hydrochloride.
Homemade ingredients
Magnesium and vitamins В6 for energy function damage and support the nervous system. They sum up the consistency and stability.
Magnito stimulates the function of the body and helps to stimulate electrolyte litny balance organism.
Recommendation for advice
Взрослые: 1 tablet per day.
Preduppression of incompatibility
Не используйте, если у вас аллергия на какой-либо из ингредиентов п reparation.
Не превышайте рекомендуемую суточную дозу.
Biological activity in the field замены разнообразного pitany.
Balanced questions and correct information about your health ionization of the Czech body.
Limit the room temperature.
Беречь от влаги и света.
The product is monitored for the next few days.”
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