Showing 85–96 of 963 results

Aspégic 100 mg, 20, ASPÉGIC

Pain and fever - Children from 6 to 22 kg

Aurimax ear spray 10 ml, Chiesi Farmaceutici

Aurimax ear spray is a medical device containing 12 natural ingredients that helps maintain ear hygiene and treat external ear infections.

Aviomarin, 50mg, 10, Pliva

AVIOMARIN is used to prevent motion sickness, as well as to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting of any other origin (except those caused by drugs used in cancer chemotherapy). Aviamarin contains dimenhydrinate (dimenhydrinate) as an active substance, which has antiemetic, antiallergic and mild sedative properties. The onset of action occurs within 20 to 30 minutes. The therapeutic effect is observed within 3-6 hours after the administration of the drug.

Azinc Vitality Junior Strawberry, 30, Azinc Vitalité Junior Fraise, 30 , ARKOPHARMA

specially designed for the proper development of children from 4 years.

BĄBEL bath lotion for colds for children 200ml, Langsteiner

The liquid is used to inhale eucalyptus oil while bathing. It helps to overcome colds. It protects the skin against irritation and drying

Baby & Kinder Neutral 200,LAVERA

BIO baby shampoo with evening primrose oil and aloe vera

Baby Bath and Washing Lotion 400ml With Oil, Mixa

Mild bath and wash lotion with a highly advanced formula for daily care.

Baby Bathing Emulsion 500Ml, Oilatum

Oilatum Baby Bath Lotion creates a soothing, milky bath for dry skin, also prone to atopy and eczema

Baby Calming Comfort Bedtime Lotion 150Ml, Aveeno

The Aveeno Baby Calming Comfort Bedtime Lotion is a pH-balanced body cream that works to nourish and soften your baby's delicate skin

Baby care 70 ml, Trudi

Baby gel for better breathing with extracts of juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus and honey.