Mostrando 1–12 de 363 resultados

500 mg film-coated tablets, 16, Antalnox

This medicine contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: naproxen. Indicated in adults (over 15 years old).

Acerola tablets 500, 24, 3 Chênes

This food supplement is indicated for fatigue. Based on acerola, rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and protects cells from oxidative stress.

Active cold tablets, 15, Actifed

The medicine is indicated for colds in adults and adolescents over 15 years of age: stuffy nose, clear nasal discharge, headache and / or fever.

Actron effervescent tablets, 20, Bayer

This medicine contains two analgesics: aspirin and paracetamol and caffeine.

Aditivo Vitamina C ZITRONA – LIMÓN tbl eff 20

Para el tratamiento y prevención de la deficiencia de vitamina C en el organismo. Por recomendación de un médico, se utiliza especialmente para infecciones del tracto respiratorio superior e influenza.

Adrigil 10000 IU / ml Oral solution drops, 10

This medication is indicated for the treatment and / or prevention of vitamin D deficiency.

Adult breeding sachets, sugar free, 8, Fervex

This drug is indicated for the treatment of colds, rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, and flu-like conditions in adults.

AdvilMed Oral suspension for children and babies, 200, Advil

It is indicated in the treatment of fever and pain. AdvilMed is the most famous ibuprofen drug for children and infants from 3 months.

AESCINA-TEVA tbl 90x 20mg

Para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia venosa crónica, varices y edemas de las extremidades inferiores en adultos.